Legal Contracts Easement

Legal Contracts Easement

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Legal Contracts Easement: Understanding the Basics

Legal contracts easement is an important concept in the field of real estate law. It refers to the right of a property owner to use a portion of their land for a specific purpose, such as the placement of a utility line or a driveway, while allowing someone else to access that portion of the land. In this article, we will delve deeper into the basics of legal contracts easement, including its definition, types, and essential elements.

Definition of Legal Contracts Easement

Easement is a legal agreement between two property owners, where one owner grants the right to use a portion of their land to another owner, for a specified purpose. The owner who grants the easement is called the “servient estate,” while the owner who receives the easement is called the “dominant estate.” The servient estate retains ownership of the land but grants the right to use the land for a specific purpose.

Types of Legal Contracts Easement

There are two main types of easements: affirmative and negative. Affirmative easements give the dominant estate the right to use the servient estate`s land for a specific purpose. For example, if a landowner grants an affirmative easement to a utility company, the utility company can use the land to install power lines or other utilities.

On the other hand, negative easements restrict the servient estate from doing something on their land that would interfere with the dominant estate`s enjoyment of their property. For example, if a landowner grants a negative easement to their neighbor prohibiting them from building any structures above a certain height that would block the view, the neighbor cannot erect any structures that would obstruct the view.

Essential Elements of Legal Contracts Easement

To be legally enforceable, an easement agreement must contain several essential elements. First, it must be in writing and signed by both parties. Second, the agreement must describe the property that is subject to the easement, the specific purpose of the easement, and the duration of the easement. Finally, the agreement must specify any compensation that will be paid to the servient estate for granting the easement.


Legal contracts easement is an essential tool in the world of real estate, allowing property owners to use their land for specific purposes while allowing others to access that portion of the land. Understanding the basics of easement agreements is crucial for anyone who owns or plans to own property. As a professional, I hope this article has provided you with a clear understanding of legal contracts easement and its importance in real estate law.